Honors Program

公共卫生澳门威尼斯人网上赌场荣誉项目为选定的学生提供了与教师导师一起进行为期一年的个人兴趣项目的机会.  学生有机会获得设计和实施独立澳门威尼斯人网上赌场项目的实践技能, and continue development of their academic skills in oral and written communication. Public health research honors projects are marked by intellectual engagement and coherence, and by educational soundness and continuity.

Public Health Research Honors Eligibility

Students must meet all program eligibility requirements, apply to the public health research honors program, and receive an offer of acceptance from the Public Health Steering Committee (PHSC).

Typically, 公共卫生专业的学生将被邀请在大二和大三之间的夏季考虑澳门威尼斯人网上赌场荣誉项目,基于以下标准:

  • 学生应完成五门公共卫生一般核心课程中的四门,成绩至少为3.60 grade-point average
  • Students must have a declared public health major
  • Students should be making good progress toward completing their degree, i.e. 学生应完成至少两门与公共卫生专业相关的核心课程和至少一门与公共卫生专业相关的选修课程
  • Students should have at least a 3.60 in their public health major

To graduate with research honors, students must complete the requirements of the honors program. Upon completion of the honors program, students may receive degrees with honors, with high honors, or with the highest honors.

Requirements for Research Honors

The awarding of honors is determined by the criteria listed below:

  • 学生必须完成五门公共卫生相关通识课程中的四门,成绩为3.60 grade-point average.  The five General Core Courses must be completed by the end of their junior year.
  • Students must have officially declared their public health major.
  • Students must have a cumulative grade-point average of at least a 3.60 in the major.
  • Students must successfully complete 3 credit hours of Public Health Honors Seminar 超过本专业要求的学时(大三1个PHLT 389学时(最好是大三春季)), 1 credit hour in PHLT 389 fall semester of senior year, and 1 credit hour in PHLT 389 spring semester of senior year). PHLT 389 is a course.
  • Students must successfully complete 7 credit hours of Public Health Honors Research with an approved faculty advisor, 超过专业要求的学时(大三春季学期PHLT 393课程1学时), 3 credit hours in PHLT 393 fall semester of the senior year, and 3 credit hours in PHLT 393 for the spring semester of the senior year). PHLT 393 is an independent study course.
  • Completion of at least one honors course, as designated with an H.
  • Completion of an Honors Thesis which must be at least A- quality.

具有澳门威尼斯人网上赌场荣誉的专业只授予那些特别寻求并完成其所有要求的学生. 要满足这些要求需要周密的计划,并且必须在规定的期限内完成. 

参与公共健康项目的教职员工将尽其所能帮助学生, but it is the individual student’s responsibility to meet the requirements on time.

Senior Honors Thesis

荣誉论文是在大三和大四期间完成的一个项目的广泛和实质性的报告, but it may be based in part on work performed earlier than this. 荣誉论文的最终版本应该对学生的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场领域有实质性的贡献, 所以标准应该是适合学生写作的公共卫生学科的.  To qualify for honors, a thesis should represent original thought or be an exceptional conceptualization of a problem.  The thesis must meet the following standards, 由指导老师和公共卫生指导委员会(PHSC)指定的第二名读者评判.

Thesis Expectations


  • “原创”是指该问题尚未在现有已发表的作品中以与拟议作品相同的方式提出和回答.
  • “可回答的”意味着学生提出的论点和证据可以被合理地认为是对问题的回答.

论文必须有效地提供原创性的证据或论据来支持正在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的问题. The thesis must 提供一个有说服力的书面论据,向读者解释该作品如何解决所提出的问题.

The evidence or argument may involve:

  • A collection of documents or observations that have not been used in previous scholarly work.
  • Fresh interpretations or analyses of existing and previously studied data.

The thesis must explain the public health relevance of the question it sets out to answer. 它还必须解释学生的原始工作如何与现有的公共卫生学术工作相关并可能对其作出贡献.

Completed Senior Research Honors Projects

Astghik Baghinyan, "COVID-19, War, and Mistrust: Vaccine Hesitancy in Armenia - Mixed Methods Approach" (2022)

Evan Bushinsky, “饮用水作为孕妇PFAS暴露的来源:与门罗县和罗彻斯特市的市政水源相比”(2022)

Charlotte Caldwell, "Preventing Suicide in LGBT+ Youth: What Works?" (2022)

Marguerite Curtis, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场拉丁裔社区COVID-19疫苗接种策略的民族志分析, New York" (2022)

Madeline Bordo, "Rochester's Rental Assistance Programs During Covid-19: Lessons for the Future" (2021)

Justice Centrello, “罗彻斯特市新生儿脐带血持久性有机污染物浓度分析”(2021)

Hannah Jaques, 《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》(2021年)

Lilo Blank, “美国妇女生殖健康的转变:理解范式转变的另一种框架”(2020)

Margaux Masten, “神经元样脂褐细胞病(巴顿病):一组罕见病的公共卫生相关性和自然史澳门威尼斯人网上赌场”(2020)

Monica Morgan, 《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》(2020)

Cameron Tate, “抗生素耐药细菌危机:伦理考虑和公共卫生建议”(2020)

Simran Arya, "Blame and Addiction: Towards a Psychosocial Understanding" (2019)

Sydney Goldberg, “需要最大限度地让未成年人参与医疗保健决策:利用医疗能力测试”(2019)

Sarah Hackley, "Artificial Intelligence: Patient Privacy and Public Health" (2019)

Sophie Turbide, "Susceptible: The Socio-Political Context of the 2014 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa" (2019)

Ann Zhang, 《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》(2019)

Shoshana Preuss, “就业家庭照顾者的工作场所休假计划:探索纽约州带薪家庭休假法的影响”(2018)

Samantha Stoma, “创伤知情的监狱之路:涉及刑事司法的女性的性别审查”(2018)

Makenzie Ward, "The Forgotten Victims: Challenges for Children of Incarcerated Mothers, Current Available Resources and Proposed Interventions" (2018)

Cita Dunn, 《LEO澳门威尼斯人网上赌场参与者的社会和情绪幸福感与癌症临床试验参与的关系》(2017)

Rina Yarosh, 《惰性癌症患者的心理结局:慢性淋巴细胞白血病的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》(2017)