
Encourage your student to learn the academic honesty rules set both by the 艺术,科学 & 工程(如&E)学术诚信政策 每个课程的指导老师. The AS&E政策设定了适用于所有课程的一般规则, while instructors set additional rules that are specific to courses and assignment. 教练的规定往往因课程而异, 特别是在合作领域, citation, 还有小组作业, 因此,学生仔细阅读课程材料是很重要的.

Help your student connect to University resources if they begin to struggle. You can learn more about the academic and emotional supports at the University on the 学生资源页面.

你也要熟悉学术诚信规则, 这样当你的学生在学业上向你求助时, 你可以确定你只提供被允许的帮助.

避免替学生交作业. Since all work submitted to an instructor is subject to the academic honesty policy, it is important that your student be the only one making decisions about when work is ready to be turned in.

Do not ask your student for their NetID and password to log into University password-protected accounts. 这违反了学术诚信和学生行为准则.

请注意: 截至2022年秋季, 所有签署教师决议的学生都将受到处罚, 警告信, 或者是主席的决议, or whom the Board on 学术诚实 finds responsible after a Board hearing, 会否收取$50的行政费.


If your student is suspected of doing something that violates the academic honesty policy, 重要的是:

  • 了解学术诚信的过程
  • 确定导致涉嫌违反政策的因素
  • 帮助你的学生连接到适当的大学资源

你可以读到关于学术诚信的过程 涉嫌违规页面. 请记住,本科和澳门威尼斯人网上赌场生的过程是不同的. 有关学术诚信过程如何运作的概述, 你可以查看下面的图表和/或这个 PDF文档.

Understanding the 学术诚实 Process (what happens if/when you are reported). Question one: have you ever been found responsible for a previous violation of AH policy or have you previously been issued a Warning Letter? If yes, your instructor’s concerns will be resolved via Board on 学术诚实 hearing. 董事会会联系你安排听证会. 与此同时:1. 大学的电子邮件.honesty@ur.rochester.Edu和尽快, & 请求查看你的案件档案,2号. Review this page to ensure you understand reporting and Board hearing preparation processes, 3. 在完成步骤1和2之后, sign up for a WC Online account and consult with the 学术诚信联络. 如果没有,那么回答第二题. Question two: has your instructor has asked you to meet and sign either a Warning Letter or an Instructor Resolution With Penalty report? If yes, when you meet with your instructor they should go over the Warning Letter or Instructor Resolution With Penalty Report with you, and give you 48 hours to decide whether to accept their version of events and proposed penalty by signing the Letter or Report. Before you decide if you accept the instructor’s proposed resolution, please: 1. Review this page to ensure you fully understand the instructor resolution process, 2. AFTER step 1, sign up for a WC Online account and consult with the 学术诚信联络. 如果没有,请参见第一个问题的“是”答案. Question three: what happens if you choose to accept the instructor’s version of events and proposed penalty by signing the letter or instructor resolution form? 如果您不签名,请参阅问题一的答案. If you do sign, [Were you exonerated -or- did you successfully appeal the outcome of your hearing?] If not, you will now have a finding of responsibility or a Warning Letter on file within Board of 学术诚实 records. 进一步违反可能导致更严厉的制裁. Please be sure to review 学术诚实 Policy / consult the 学术诚信联络 to learn better ways to avoid policy violations.


如果你对这个过程有更多的问题,你可以联系 学术诚信联络.

帮助确定导致涉嫌违反政策的因素, 问你的学生发生了什么. Academic honesty violations are often a symptom of something else that has gone wrong, 比如时间管理问题, 情绪困扰, 无效的学习习惯, 或者缺乏对学术规则和政策的理解.

Connecting students with the right resources can help address the cause of what went wrong and keep it from happening again. See a 学术资源一览表 在我们的学生资源页面.

Finally, academic honesty cases can be very distressing to students and their families. 检查一下你的学生,看看他们是如何应对的, 并根据需要联系大学支持服务. See a 情感支持资源列表 在我们的学生资源页面.


If your student is studying at the University on a student visa and is suspected of doing something that violates the academic honesty policy, 你的学生应该联系 国际服务处(ISO) to discuss how academic honesty penalties might affect their US immigration permissions in either of the following scenarios.


If your undergraduate student has a second or third suspected policy violation or your graduate student has any suspected violation, 该学生可能会被学校开除(停学或开除). Students who are separated from the University are no longer eligible for 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 immigration sponsorship as they will not maintain enrollment at the University.

提前与ISO讨论可能的结果是很重要的, 因为一旦分离决定最终确定,选择就更加有限了.


学术诚信处罚, 比如课程不及格或被大学开除, 会导致学生不能如期毕业吗. If your student has applied for F-1 work authorization (or Optional Practical Training, known as OPT) with an academic honesty penalty that causes your student not to graduate as scheduled, then OPT eligibility may be impacted and can result in delays or denial of the pending application.

ISO advisors will help your student to understand immigration options based on an academic honesty penalty, 其余学位要求, 以及任何其他学术或就业计划.


大学员工通常可以回答有关流程的一般性问题, but they cannot answer specific questions about your student without the student’s consent as the AS&E academic honesty policy mandates confidentiality that can only be waived by the student.

此外,不相关的联邦 家庭教育权利和隐私法 (FERPA) also prohibits University employees from disclosing the education records of students.


你可以联络 学术诚信联络 关于学术诚信的问题. 作为提醒,诚信联络员向学生提供以下建议:

  • 学术诚信过程是如何运作的/期望什么
  • 政策中提到了他们作为学生的责任
  • 政策是怎么规定教官的责任的
  • 如何草拟案卷、聆讯及/或上诉陈述书
  • 如何教育 & 保护自己免受未来的指控
  • should they sign / accept an instructor resolution with penalty form or 警告信 if their instructor has offered one?

学术诚信联络员也可以回答你关于AS的问题&E学术诚信政策和过程, as well as questions about the academic honesty training that students receive.

The liaison is separate from the Board on 学术诚实, which adjudicates cases.