Selecting Schools

Students should apply to a reasonable number of schools. 你应该对你申请的每一所学校都有足够的了解,并且明确地知道你为什么对那所学校感兴趣. 你也不应该申请更多的学校,因为你有时间和精力来完成有效和润色的申请, keeping in mind that the application process has many steps. With any school, 考虑一下,如果那所学校是你唯一被录取的学校,你是否愿意去那所学校.

MEDICAL SCHOOL APPLICANTS: Please use MSAR (Medical School Admissions Requirements) when selecting schools. 

State residency

许多卫生专业学校从它们所在的州和必须的州获得很大一部分资金, therefore, give preference to state residents in the admissions process. 对本州居民的优待程度因学校而异. A few schools, such as the University of Massachusetts Medical School, will simply not accept applications from non-residents. More commonly, 每个一年级班级都有一定数量或百分比的席位留给州居民, 非居民申请者通常必须提供比居民更好的证明,才能被认真考虑录取. 一些州与其他州签订合同安排,每个签署合同的州同意在自己的学校招收一定数量的其他缔约国的居民. This practice is particularly common among veterinary and optometry schools.


In general, 公立学校对居民和非居民的学费有不同的费率, 与典型的私立学校的学费相比,住院学生的学费通常很低. 我们并不是说成本决定一切,但你应该记住这一点.


You'll be spending four years of your life in professional school, and you'll enjoy it more if the school is located someplace you like. If you know now that you are not a good fit for life in a super-large city, eliminate big-city schools from your list. Conversely, if you will be bored to death in a "small-town" environment, don't consider schools in smaller cities or semi-rural areas.


专业学校通常声称没有等级和考试分数的限制. 这可能是真的,也可能不是真的,但这样的界限可能不会被公布. However, we maintain records that include GPA, test scores, acceptances and rejections on our applicants, and based on these records, 我们可以告诉你在哪里你更有可能或更少有机会被录取. 请注意:有各种来源提供有关卫生专业项目的一般信息, and we urge you to review them. Some are better than others. Publications of respected third-party vendors or, even better, national professional organization (such as the AAMC, AAVMC or AACOM) are excellent sources of preliminary information. 通常情况下,这些书会列出最近被录取的申请人的平均GPA和平均考试成绩. Please be careful interpreting this data. 即使X学校2008届新生的平均绩点是3,这是真的.来自罗彻斯特的申请人很可能被录取,平均绩点在3分之间.5 and 3.6.

Professional Objectives

If you already have a specialty area in mind, 了解你正在考虑的学校的毕业生在你感兴趣的领域获得工作或实习的情况. 学校目录和/或网页将列出最近毕业班的实习情况, and admissions officers can supply you with additional information, 比如,典型的毕业班中有多少人被安排在他们的首选实习医师中. Aspiring dentists, vets, 验光师及足科医生应向各学校查询有关就业安置援助的资料. 学校及/或校友会否协助应届毕业生寻找实习机会? 应届毕业生是否在某些地区找到了比其他地区更多的实践机会? Admissions officers are a good source of such information, as are currently enrolled students and alumni who are now in practice.


The basic required courses don't vary much from one school to another, but there may be substantial differences in electives, research opportunities, and when students have their first contact with patients. Early patient contact is becoming more common; many schools (but not all) now offer required first-year courses that involve meeting patients and their families, observing examinations and diagnostic procedures, and learning the basics of patient interviewing. Some schools, such as our own School of Medicine and Dentistry, offer a problem-based (as opposed to lecture-oriented) curriculum. 许多学校(尤其是医学院)也提供注重与病人有效沟通的课程. Schools also offer a variety of combined degree programs such as MD/PhD, MD/MPH, DO/MPH, DDS/PhD, DVM/PhD, PharmD/MPH etc.

MD/PhD Programs

If you have a serious interest in research, you may want to consider schools that offer combined MD/PhD programs. 许多大学都提供这样的课程,但大约有30所学校有一个特殊的课程. 医学科学家培训计划(MSTP)为合格的学生提供长达六年的学费和年度津贴. (请注意:完成学位通常需要六年以上的时间, 但是学位课程的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场部分也有其他的资金来源.)每年全国大约有120个MSTP职位空缺,因此竞争非常激烈. Interested students should begin their planning early, 并应在本科期间获得扎实的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场背景. The UR medical school is a MSTP participant, 有关该计划的详细信息可从x-58721的MD/PhD项目办公室获得.

Students with Disabilities

残疾人获得健康科学和医学教育联盟(http://meded).ucsf.联盟的目标是“在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场生健康科学和医学教育项目中改善残疾住宿学生的体验”.“澳门威尼斯人网上赌场不同院校可能提供的各种资源和支持服务,对有残疾或残疾的学前教育学生有好处。, as you're considering which schools to apply to. A study (http://www.uofmhealth.来自《澳门威尼斯人网上赌场》杂志, 讨论与残疾学生有关的医学院录取. 一如既往,我们鼓励学生与顾问讨论他们的情况和担忧.