杰奎琳·L. 莱文

杰奎琳·L. 莱文


大学关于杰奎琳去世的公告. 莱文

杰奎琳·L. 莱文于2020年5月23日星期六在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场去世. Jackie served as assistant dean and director of the College’s Center for Study Abroad and Interdepartmental 项目 from 1983 until 2015. She served as assistant dean and director of special projects from 2016-2020, working to enhance study abroad and other experiential opportunities for students in collaboration with alumni.

她对事业的准备和杰基一样,是独一无二的. 在许多其他经历中, 她在加州大学伯克利分校学习, 尼斯大学(法国), 门罗社区学院, and the 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 where she received her Bachelor’s degree and an MA in French. 她是澳门威尼斯人网上赌场市第一家法国餐厅的副主厨, and worked at the historic Village Green Bookstore where she met John Borek, 谁成为了她44年的挚爱丈夫.

担任留学主任三十多年, Jackie oversaw steady increases in the number of students studying abroad; in total, thousands of students participated in overseas experiences during her tenure. 用埃里克·潘多的话来说, 17届MBA,前职员, “She worked tirelessly behind the scenes with us in the office—when programs didn't go according to plan; when there were emergencies abroad; when there was bureaucracy to cut through. I believe she knew in her heart that students truly grew most when they were on their own, 在外面的世界, 远离象牙塔.The one thing she fought for most was to make study abroad possible for students who might not have had the opportunity to or belief that they could. She cared fiercely for those students—the ones who succeed against the odds to get into college—and she helped show them that their success was just beginning... 她向我展示了这一点,我的生活因此变得更好."

在一个给学生上大学施加压力的社会里, 四年完成, 然后找到一份“好工作”或者直接读澳门威尼斯人网上赌场生, Jackie was proud of her non-traditional higher education and career paths. She would share them with students who were struggling to figure out what to do with their lives—as a personal example and as a teaching moment.She knew that there is no “one size fits all” educational and career path and that students should embrace, 不害怕, 这样的挑战.

In 2009, Jackie’s dedication and efforts resulted in the Center receiving the University’s Goergen Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Education. She was tireless in her efforts to make travel and study available to everyone who wanted to go abroad, 尤其是代表性不足的少数族裔学生.And where she and her staff could be of help to others in the University, she was quick to volunteer.同样的, she encouraged her staff and other 的同事们 to pursue educational and professional opportunities such as advanced degrees, 专业机构内的职位, 项目实地考察, 和富布赖特奖.

在这个领域很受尊敬, 杰基是NAFSA的成员, 国际教育工作者协会, 在她的整个职业生涯中, and participated in numerous program reviews for IES Abroad and the Council on International Educational Exchange. She is the only professional in the field who was awarded both the IES Abroad Professional Development Award and the IES Abroad Lifetime Achievement Award, 这两个奖项都是由她的同龄人选出的.

玛丽德怀尔, IES Abroad的总裁兼首席执行官, recalls that Jackie was everything that a study abroad professional should be. She maintained excellent relations with program providers in order to assure the best possible quality control of overseas programs to the benefit of her students. She truly cared about each student and advocated for them as appropriate. “她是为别人着想的人,”德怀尔说.

Jackie was a proud resident of Rochester, and especially of the city’s 19th Ward.和她丈夫约翰一起, Jackie enjoyed showcasing the neighborhood and the City to students and other visitors.Her office and home had ‘open door’ policies, welcoming friends, students and visitors.She had a gift for connecting with people of all ages and backgrounds. Many Rochesterians know Jackie as the doyenne of the Rochester Public Market. 这是她最喜欢的活动之一, and also an opportunity to introduce students and visitors to a beloved facet of Rochester.

杰基和约翰是真正意义上的搭档. They shared a sense of active intellectual, artistic, and civic engagement. They supported progressive political candidates for local and national elected offices. Jackie encouraged young people to pay attention to politics and to vote in local and national elections. 强烈支持平等, 公平, 还有人权, 杰基坚信改变是可以实现的, 在某种程度上, 通过政治行动.

Jackie’s presence is already missed at the University and by her 的同事们, friends, and family.Her effects on education abroad, in the community, and the world are lasting and incomparable.

尊重杰基自己的意愿, donations in her memory will be directed to support the University’s partnership with the 安德鲁古德曼基金会, which seeks to advance equity and justice through voter engagement and participation among students. The University is also exploring the development of a course on U.S. civil rights history, which would incorporate visits to sites central to the movement.


Send your tributes, condolences, or memories of Jackie 莱文 via email. 告诉我们你的名字, 与大学的关系, 公共信息, 哪些会出现在留言和哀悼页面上.



学生, 的同事们, and friends who would like to give in Jackie 莱文’s memory can contribute to the 安德鲁古德曼基金会 using a secure online form.


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