
If you would like additional information or have a question that is not listed below 请与CARE的工作人员联系 carenetwork@salamzone.com or (585) 275-4085.


A CARE Referral is an electronic form a member of the 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 community submits when he/she is concerned about a student. 收到此表格后,将启动CARE流程. 援外社的工作人员将审查转诊, 确定当前关注的级别, check in with multiple campus resources to determine where else the student has been identified, and determine the most appropriate individual to reach out to the student.


A Bias-Related Incident Report is an electronic form a member of the 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 community submits if they know of an incident motivated by discrimination of a person or target group based on age, 残疾, 种族, 性别认同或表达, 国家的起源, 比赛, 宗教, 或者性取向. 收到此表单将启动“偏见相关事件”流程. 报告被转发给保罗J. 伯格特文化中心, 谁与报告中涉及的个人联系, 协调响应, 与大学社区沟通, 和/或记录事件.

For more information about the bias-related incident reporting system please visit the 保罗J. 伯格特文化中心网站.


A Community Concern Report is an electronic form a member of the 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 community submits if they have a concern that impacts the University community, 比如人道主义问题或其他关键问题. Receipt of this form initiates the Community Concern process by alerting the 学生主任办公室. A designated crisis manager then 协调响应 or 与大学社区沟通.


CARE团队是一个小团队, private group of campus liaisons who meet weekly to discuss 学生 of concern. 目前, 这个小组由一名来自Residential Life的代表组成, 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场公共安全学院, 科克大学, 学院学术支持中心, 残疾的资源, 少数民族学生事务办公室, 国际学生参与, 卡恩斯中心, 伯格特文化中心, 以及学生主任办公室. The information shared in this group is private and for the purpose of determining who best to reach out to the student for support. CARE referral information is shared in this meeting along with any information available from team members' respective offices.


The Student Support Network (SSN) is a group of approximately 30 to 40 individuals representing many campus offices. The SSN meets monthly to discuss the role these offices play in helping 学生. 这个小组讨论影响大学经历的问题, 罗彻斯特大学的预防措施, 专业发展领域, 以及其他与学生成功相关的话题. The SSN epitomizes collaboration and education for the benefit of student success and operates under the highest of ethical standards.


CARE网络 strives to maintain 学生’ privacy as much as possible, but when there are instances related to sexual misconduct (Title IX issues) or self-harm/harm to others, CARE 工作人员 are mandated to report information to the appropriate campus resources.

In instances where you would like to remain anonymous to the student, 请在CARE转介中注明. 值得注意的是, 然而, that privacy may not be maintained in that 学生 may realize you submitted a referral through indirect ways (such as details related to the incident or information only shared by the student with one person on campus).

CARE Referrals have no impact on student's academic standing or records.


Students with academic and mental health concerns are most often referred to the CARE network. 然而, CARE Referrals are submitted involving concerns relating to student’s financial status, 家庭生活的担忧, 物质使用, 的关系问题, 等. 定期进行推荐, with an increase in referrals made at the mid-term and conclusion of the semester.


Any individual connected with the 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 community is welcome to submit a CARE Referral. 教师, 工作人员, 学生, 父母, or anyone who knows a 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 student can submit a CARE Referral. Students are also welcome to submit a CARE Referral about themselves.


Each CARE Referral provides a unique perspective that is likely to assist in identifying the most appropriate campus resource for the student in need. 请参阅 预推荐流程页面 在将学生转介到CARE之前需要考虑的问题. 您也可以通过以下方式联系CARE的工作人员 carenetwork@salamzone.com 或(585)275-4085在提交之前讨论您的担忧.


Upon pressing "submit" you will be redirected to a page thanking you for your submission. 如果您没有收到此消息, 请与CARE的工作人员联系 (585) 275-4085 to report the problem. In certain circumstances you may be contacted to provide additional information about your referral. If you are not contacted and you have received the submission message, 请放心,我们会对您的推荐进行审查并采取行动. If you would like an update on the student about whom you submitted a CARE Referral, 请与CARE的工作人员联系 carenetwork@salamzone.com. We will share information regarding this student as appropriate and in the student's best interest.


Only a small group of campus representatives (the CARE team) are aware of the names of 学生 who are currently involved with CARE and are given the details needed to effectively triage the student in need.

Can CARE be utilized for graduate as well as undergraduate 学生?

是的. CARE Referrals can be submitted for any student (graduate or undergraduate) at the 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场.