
Adrienne Morgan appointed vice president for 股本 and 包容 and Richard Feldman Chief Diversity Officer

Adrienne Morgan (澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 Medical Center photo)

Adrienne Morgan has been named vice president for 股本 and 包容 and Richard Feldman Chief Diversity Officer at the 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场,立即生效. University President Sarah Mangelsdorf announced Morgan’s appointment following a national search and Board of Trustees approval. 致力于促进多样性的领导者, 包容, and justice in both healthcare and higher education, Morgan has been serving as interim vice president and chief diversity officer since August 2022. She will also continue to serve as senior associate dean for 股本 and 包容 for the 医学和牙科学院 (SMD).

“Our University community has benefitted greatly from Adrienne’s experience and her ability to bring people together around complex issues,曼格尔斯多夫说. “I believe she is the right leader to further the University’s commitment to being truly welcoming and supportive to all.”

The role of vice president for 股本 and 包容 and chief diversity officer ensures 股本 across the institution; fosters a culture of respect and 包容 for all faculty, 工作人员, 学生, 校友, and members of the community; oversees compliance in this area and works with campus diversity leaders to ensure the University’s alignment with federally mandated anti-discrimination policies; and advocates for the role that diversity and 股本 initiatives play in achieving institutional excellence.

Serving as the University’s chief diversity officer and reporting to the president, 这个领导角色指导 机构公平办公室 & 包容 (IOEI),并致力于加强多样性, 股本, 访问, and 包容 in all aspects of the University’s mission. The vice president also works closely with deans and other senior leaders and campus constituencies to create, 实现, and lead an institution-wide diversity strategic plan that includes recruitment, 培训, 沟通, 政策, 和指标. 除了, Morgan will serve as senior adviser on 股本 and diversity matters to the president, 教务长, 及其他大学职员, and continue to be a member of the president’s senior leadership group.

“Adrienne has a deep understanding of how institutions can successfully unify and work to create an inclusive culture that prioritizes the well-being, 发展, 订婚, and success of our diverse workforce and student population,曼格尔斯多夫补充道. “I want to sincerely thank the search committee for their dedication to identifying the strongest individual for this leadership position from a highly qualified pool of candidates. I am in complete agreement that the best candidate was the one who had already chosen to make a career here at Rochester.”

In August 2022, Morgan was named to the interim role of vice president. 当时, she was serving as the vice president for 股本 and 包容 at the 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 Medical Center, and as a senior associate dean for 股本 and 包容 at the 医学和牙科学院. At the Medical Center, Morgan led the values-driven 发展 of the 公平和反种族主义行动计划 and built an infrastructure to address issues of 股本 and 包容 for faculty, 学生, 和工作人员. 她和她的团队创造了一个 工具包 to support equitable faculty recruitment efforts and have established an infrastructure for diversity, 股本, 与包容(DEI)培训. 与 Association of College and University Educators, she developed 培训 across the campus to lead to more inclusive and equitable learning environments.

More recently as interim vice president, she collaborated with Jackie Beckerman, c首席病人体验官 在医疗中心, to launch the Live the Six movement—an institution-wide, six-word anti-racism and kindness initiative in response to the hate crime murders at the Tops Supermarket in Buffalo. “停止仇恨,结束种族主义,选择L。.O.V.E (Live Our 值 Everywhere)” is a call to honor our values, 采取行动, and proclaim in one voice that the 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 stands against all forms of hatred and racism. Live the Six also addresses concerns about a deteriorating culture of respect and lack of civil discourse seen both locally and nationally. The initiative will be expanded this fall with opportunities for education, 恢复性司法, and community building for the entire institution.

摩根是一名副教授 卫生、人文和生物伦理学系 在医疗中心 and an associate professor at the 华纳教育学院. She received a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a master’s degree in cross-disciplinary professional studies from RIT, 以及澳门威尼斯人网上赌场的高等教育博士学位.

