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Home Ownership Incentive Program

The City of Rochester map


City of Rochester map

以上地图只作一般参考用途. View an interactive version of the map here. 如果物业毗邻非城市社区,请通过以下电话与城市联系 (585) 428-6888 to confirm that a property is eligible.

如果你想在澳门威尼斯人网上赌场城外买房, 查看下面参考资料部分的按揭住房激励计划.

Participating banks and credit unions

为了获得大学或城市的利益,你必须资助购买 Repayment Chart 通过参与的银行/信用合作社购买房屋,并获得澳门威尼斯人网上赌场市雇主援助住房倡议(EAHI)的批准。.

Summary chart of participating lenders

University of Rochester

Eligibility: Regular full-time and part-time faculty and staff,* residents and fellows; New homeowner in qualifying City neighborhoods†

Amount: $10,000 per mortgage

Form of benefit: 如果满足居住和就业要求,可免除5年以上的贷款 repayment chart below)

Use of money: Down payment or closing costs

Primary residency requirements: 5 years

Employment requirement: 5 years

City of Rochester

Eligibility: Regular full-time and part-time faculty and staff,* residents and fellows; New homeowner in qualifying City neighborhoods†

Amount: $5,000 per mortgage

Form of benefit: 如果满足居住要求,可以在5年内获得豁免 repayment chart below)

Use of money: Down payment or closing costs

Primary residency requirements: 5 years

Employment requirement: No

Advantage Federal Credit Union

Eligibility: Regular full-time and part-time faculty and staff,* residents and fellows; New homeowner in qualifying City neighborhoods†

Amount: $5,000 per mortgage

Form of benefit: 如果满足居住要求,可以在5年内获得豁免 repayment chart below)

Use of money: Down payment, closing costs, or escrow deposit

Primary residency requirements: 5 years

Employment requirement: No

Canandaigua National Bank & Trust

Eligibility: Regular full-time and part-time faculty and staff,* residents and fellows; New homeowner in qualifying City neighborhoods†

Amount: 低收入或中等收入地区,每宗按揭贷款5,000美元(请浏览 to confirm tract income levels)

Form of benefit: Forgivable grant

Use of money: Down payment or closing costs

Primary residency requirements: Yes

Employment requirement: No

Genesee Regional Bank

Eligibility: Regular full-time and part-time faculty and staff,* residents and fellows; new homeowner in qualifying City neighborhoods†

Amount: $5,000 per mortgage

Form of benefit: Lender credit

Use of money: Closing costs or interest rate buy-down

Primary residency requirements: Yes

Employment requirement: No


Eligibility: Regular full-time and part-time faculty and staff,* residents and fellows; New homeowner in qualifying City neighborhoods†

Amount: 低收入或中等收入地区,每宗按揭贷款5,000美元(请浏览 确认你的收入水平,并确保你是少数多数人。

Form of benefit: Lender credit

Use of money: Closing costs or interest rate buy-down

Primary residency requirements: Yes

Employment requirement: No

Repayment chart

这项津贴是通过无息贷款提供的,如果满足必要的就业和居住要求,就可免除贷款. 如果你不能满足必要的就业和居住要求,你必须偿还贷款. 这笔贷款将作为你房屋的留置权,直到还清为止.

Time elapsed 5-year repayment percentage
1st month through 24th month 100%
25th month through 36th month 75%
37th month through 48th month 50%
49th month through 60th month 25%
61st month 0%

这项津贴是通过无息贷款提供的,如果满足必要的就业和居住要求,就可免除贷款. 如果你不能满足必要的就业和居住要求,你必须偿还贷款. 这笔贷款将作为你房屋的留置权,直到还清为止.

The University reserves the right to modify, amend, or terminate the plans at any time, including actions that may affect coverage, cost-sharing, or covered benefts, 以及为现在和未来的退休人员提供的福利.

*如果你是博士后,你没有资格获得大学住房奖励计划, postdoctoral research associate, postdoctoral teaching fellow, EDC Associate, or visiting faculty.


‡贷款由票据和抵押担保,您有义务向学校偿还贷款,并对您的房屋设置留置权,作为您还款义务的担保. 1万美元的贷款在被免除的时间和程度上开始纳税.

How to get started

  1. Apply online 总奖励办公室将核实你的就业资格.

  2. 通过电子邮件联系罗彻斯特市申请

  3. Discuss mortgage options with a participating program lender

Additional resources

Mortgage Housing Incentive Program


By answering your questions, informing you of their housing incentives, and explaining their specific mortgage options, 你将能够做出一个明智的决定,什么是最好的抵押贷款选择是为你.


Home Program Contacts

Home search and education

Find Your Dream Home

Owning a home isn’t just about four walls and a roof. 你是想要一个后院,还是想让别人帮你打理? Are you looking for that Victorian style, but modern home, 还是为了你的方便,住在有很多商店的街道上最重要? Well, check out the Celebrate City Living website to find your dream home!

Assistance & Advice

对买房过程感到压力或困惑? 需要一点建议或只是想参加一个课程,以确保你做的一切都是正确的? 在认可的机构*报名参加购前及购后教育课程, to be the best you can be at home buying.

*To be eligible for the City of Rochester’s grant, 首次购房者必须在批准的机构完成购房前和购房后的教育课程. Contact the City for confirmation of approved agencies.

Home ownership benefits: additional resources

Program Lenders


View lenders

Mortgage Housing Incentive Program


By answering your questions, informing you of their housing incentives, and explaining their specific mortgage options, 你将能够做出一个明智的决定,什么是最好的抵押贷款选择是为你.


Home Program Contacts

Home Search and Education
Find Your Dream Home

Owning a home isn’t just about four walls and a roof. 你是想要一个后院,还是想让别人帮你打理? Are you looking for that Victorian style, but modern home, 还是为了你的方便,住在有很多商店的街道上最重要? Well, check out the Celebrate City Living website to find your dream home!

Assistance & Advice

Stressed out or confused about the home buying process? 需要一点建议或只是想参加一个课程,以确保你做的一切都是正确的? 在认可的机构*报名参加购前及购后教育课程, to be the best you can be at home buying.

*To be eligible for the City of Rochester’s grant, 首次购房者必须在批准的机构完成购房前和购房后的教育课程.  Contact the City for confirmation of approved agencies.

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