
When asked what they would say if a student asked their advice about the Take Five Scholars Program, 最近的Take Five Scholars说:

"It is an excellent opportunity to further take advantage of the academic freedom so characteristic of 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场. 这取决于你的专业, the program you create can bring fresh energy to your educational experience."

"It is an AMAZING UNIQUE opportunity that you DEFINITELY should take advantage of. This extra year has been GREAT and I cannot tell you how amazing it's been - I've reached new levels of understanding and intellectual depths. This has been such a rich experience and has truly enriched my life. 这样做!!!"

“Take 5是一个你不能错过的机会. I would highly recommend studying abroad if your Take 5 proposal permits. Take 5 is an opportunity that 澳门威尼斯人网上赌场 is very unique in offering.'

"It is a fantastic program that lets students take extra courses in areas that they are interested in for an extra year of study outside their major. It is unlike anything any other school has and should definitely be taken advantage of if you have interests outside of your major."

“我强烈推荐它! It was an inspiring year where I realized how important it is after college to continue studying, 学习与阅读. 这是一个很好的过渡年. 然而, it is challenging, it is a lot of hard work, and your performance is included in your GPA. So, it is not a good choice for someone who has nothing else to do."

"It's a wonderful opportunity to spend a year really ENJOYING school. 当你可以选择自己的课程时, 如果你开始一个新的领域, 再次参加简单的课程, 压力水平完全下降,工作是愉快的. 可以在这里多待一年, 周围都是朋友,总的来说玩得很开心, was something I really needed to do before I was ready to leave Rochester. 我现在真的很高兴能向前看. 此外,这个程序在工作简历上看起来很棒."

“绝对. My take Five experience was probably the most meaningful endeavor of my academic career. The freedom and flexibility of the program provided a unique support network that enabled me to pursue interests that I never would have been able to pursue. My Take Five experience was also key in developing a different perspective on my plans for graduate study. 在我的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场生项目面试中, my involvement in the Take Five program was definitely a factor that set me apart from the others."

“这是笔大买卖, especially if you want to study abroad but don't think you can complete your degree requirements if you do. 如果你想做的话, start planning as early as possible--you need maximum flexibility to make sure you can get the classes you want. Doing Take 5 gives you an extra year to think about grad school, fellowship applications, etc., that you might not be prepared to apply for in your 3 rd or 4 th year."

“它改变了我的思维方式. 来自科学背景, 我处理任何情况的方式都是清晰的, 对还是错, 的方式. My Take Five program opened up my way of approaching situations and made me realize that the answers aren't always clear."

“这是一个扩展知识的绝佳机会 & 能力. 我永远也不会知道大学能提供这么多东西, 工程学以外的,而不是Take 5的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场. I found some 能力 in myself that I would never discovered had I not been able to take a variety of classes & 出国. The best part of my T5 experience as an academic curriculum was my semester abroad. 在社交方面,我的五年级也是最有趣的."

"The widely applicable academic result of my Take Five experience is that I have improved my methods of critical and creative thinking which are applicable to all areas of study that I encounter. 然而, the knowledge that I have from my participation in the Take Five Program goes much beyond the world of academia and I believe I can be applied throughout my life. I have gained a dynamic education in academic fields and social behaviors through my experiences, 如果我不是“Take Five”的学生,我就不会有这样的机会了."

When asked if they feel that participation in the Take Five Scholars Program was worthwhile, 最近的Take Five Scholars说:

“是的 - my educational experience would have been almost unbelievably incomplete without the education, 课外的机会, 以及我在大学第五年经历的个人成长."

“绝对. I had so many great experiences in addition to the academic aspect. 这一整年都很精彩."

“是的! I learned so much in my classes that I would never have had an opportunity to learn. 尽管有时工作量很大, 我喜欢这种材料, 学习古典世界, 并观察它如何在我们的课堂讨论中活跃起来."

“非常值得的. I was able to delve into studies I never would have had the opportunity to study. For example, studio art, art history, Italian language, history, and religion. This is definitely an experience I will remember for a long time to come."

“绝对, it allowed me to spend a year taking courses in the areas I was weakest in, while still letting me be in a safe environment where I wouldn't get in over my head."

“是的, because I get to learn many things that I didn't get to learn in the regular four-year program. 作为一个人,我也变得更加成熟, and have a better idea of what I want to accomplish in the future years."

“是的,如果我有选择的话,我肯定会再来一次. 它确实为我打开了看世界的新途径. Also, after four years, I wasn't ready to leave UR, I would have missed a lot. 现在,我觉得我已经准备好继续前进了."